Bazar is a one-stop destination for a diverse array of products from trusted sellers. With seamless navigation and curated offerings, find everything you need in one place and engage with passionate sellers.
Field: E-Commerce
Technologies: ReactJS, TailwindCSS, DaisyUI, ContextAPI, Custom Hooks, MongoDB, ExpressJS, Multer, Jwt
Bazar provides a seamless user experience, starting with easy account creation. Maria has expertly designed and implemented various features for smooth authentication, ensuring hassle-free access for users:
At Bazar, users can seamlessly switch between being a seller and a customer, gaining the ability to explore a wide range of products while managing their own store. The platform provides these features:
Code Labs Academy’s Web Development course is designed for beginners who have no prior experience in the field. Our curriculum provides a complete overview of algorithms, programming languages, and platforms. The students will learn how to code meaningful applications from scratch using first-class technologies, such as HTML/CSS and NodeJS.
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