
Introduction to Prototyping with Figma

Beginner Friendly
Just under an hour!

Have you ever utilized an app or a website and wished you could make your own? If that is the case, this session is for you! Come learn the fundamentals of UX Design and how to construct your first mobile app or website mockup using the Design Sprint method. You will learn how to produce a UX design deliverable plus a tonne of advice on prototyping with Figma, the most incredible collaborative design tool!

Bootcamp ⵉⵛⵓⴷⴷⴻⵏ

UX/UI Design Program

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Learn how to get started with User Experience and User Interface Design (UX/UI Design). Master the art of understanding your user, creating seamless experiences, designing high quality interfaces, and get ready to launch your career as a UX/UI designer! In this bootcamp, you will learn how to build a product, perfect its usability, and master designing and prototyping tools such as Figma, Figjam, Adobe XD, Sketch, and more! Check out our curriculum to see the journey that is waiting for you!

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