#Data Science

Deploy your Machine Learning model with Python

Beginner Friendly
Just 25 minutes!

Learn a new method of deploying ML models via a web app using only Python. Doing your demos and sharing your work was never this easy! Machine learning engineers are in high demand. With this technology's nearly limitless possibilities, employment opportunities in a wide range of fields are possible. However, because Machine Learning is a newer field, there aren't many courses devoted solely to it. This workshop delves into the fundamentals of machine learning using Python, a user-friendly and well-known programming language.

Chương trình đào tạo liên quan

Data Science Program

Toàn thời gian: 12 tuần | Bán thời gian: 24 tuần

Gain the skills you need to make sense of the wealth of data available in our world. Manipulate data using Python and SQL; code your ML algorithms on vision, natural language tasks, and much more!

Nhận quyền truy cập không giới hạn vào nhiều tài liệu hội thảo hơn.

Câu đố, thử thách và nhiều hơn nữa! Thực hành trong khi học.

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