#Data Science
#Computer Vision

Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)

Basic Understanding of Neural Networks
Under 45 minutes!

This workshop is a beginner's guide to computer vision. Introducing one of the most popular classes of models in the field: Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). You will learn the basics of CNNs, understand why this type of architecture became so popular (not only in computer vision, but in other applications as well!), and train your own model on the famous MNIST Fashion dataset!

Saistītā Bootcamp

Data Science Program

Pilna laika: 12 nedēļas | Nepilna laika: 24 nedēļas

Gain the skills you need to make sense of the wealth of data available in our world. Manipulate data using Python and SQL; code your ML algorithms on vision, natural language tasks, and much more!

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