Forward-thinking finance from StepEx.
Higher education is financially inaccessible. StepEx’ solution is to fund qualifications based on its ability to increase future earning potential rather than judging someone’s financial past.
At StepEx, their award-winning Future Earnings Agreement (FEA) and other flexible payment plans ease the financial barrier to unlock participant’s full potential.
I gcomhpháirtíocht le Code Labs Academy, cuireann siad cúnamh airgeadais ar fáil do dhaoine aonair atá bunaithe sa RA a roghnaíonn plean tráthchoda míosúil dá gcampa tosaithe. Ina theannta sin, i gcúinsí speisialta, soláthraíonn Code Labs Academy agus StepEx conradh Comhaontú Scair Ioncaim (ISA).